> Two Seasons酒店半岛官方赞助的多特蒙德

Two Seasons酒店半岛官方赞助的多特蒙德

时间:2008-11-07     人气:1420     来源:NET|DXZM     作者:
概述:JDS 建筑事务所(Julien de Smedt )和 BDA事务所(Brandsberg-Dahls Arkitekter)赢得一场Two Seasons酒店半岛官方赞助的多特蒙德 邀请赛,酒店拥有250间客房,位于挪威斯塔万格(Stavange......
JDS 建筑事务所(Julien de Smedt )和 BDA事务所(Brandsberg-Dahls Arkitekter)赢得一场Two Seasons酒店半岛官方赞助的多特蒙德 邀请赛,酒店拥有250间客房,位于挪威斯塔万格(Stavanger, Norway)。


    酒店位于斯塔万格市市中心一个繁忙的街道转交处,场地恰好处与传统住区和尺度大许多的政府建筑之间。这座三星级酒店大约有7000平米的规模,超过200间客房。半岛官方赞助的多特蒙德 试图让这个私人项目向城市公共空间开放,创造两者之间新的关系。





    The main volume of the hotel arranges the rooms in a ribbon configuration that floats above the existing parking garage on the site. Lifting the hotel rooms from the street provides privacy for the visitors, while creating a ground floor activated by shops, a restaurant and cafe, in addition to the hotel lobby. The ribbon mediates the potentially problematic context by hovering closest to the ground adjacent to the old Stavanger neighbourhood and lifting dramatically when facing its neighbouring nine story apartment tower. 
    The floating ribbon takes advantage of the elevated site, with its views of the city centre and the surrounding mountains. The formal manipulations within the height regulations allow the hotel to have a diversity of views for all occupants. The walkable programmed roof terrace, cozy interior garden and conference facility on the skyline create literal and visual connections with the environment rarely found in an urban three star hotel.
    Directly adjacent to the site, a new pedestrian street will enliven the area. To further activate this new public space, the ground floor is programmed with a cafe and bakery to enhance public facilities along the street. The hotel ground floor also ties itself into the site by providing for a public passage that connects Lokkeveien to Olav Kryttes Gate. The hotel restaurant and the cafe/bakery program therefore serves as a concentrated zone of public traffic that integrates the ground floor into its urban surroundings. 

  •  去年9月在伦敦,那天下午,出了地铁走着走着就下起了大雨,连忙钻进一家酒店避雨,没想到进去之后别有洞天,装修得很是特别,我们一起来看看,





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